Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Hancock, Hemenway, Bermuda Triangle (Blue Hills Reservation)

Hancock, Hemenway, Bermuda Triangle (Blue Hills Reservation)

Hike Type: Kind of a Figure 8
Distance: 5.56 miles
Elevation: 988 feet
Time: 2 hours, 8 minutes 
Hiking Challenges: Blue Hills 125 Mile Club (2x)

The Hike
Spring is springing! 75 degrees and sunny for this after school hike. I parked in my favorite spot, crossed the road, and started my hike on the Wolcott Path, who had a considerable amount of loose rocks that I forgot about that made footing annoying. My feet were already hurting, which happened about this time last year, too. It might be time for some new insoles - I tried some last summer and I think they worked well? I think my winter boots are better for my feet so I forget about insoles until I transition to just my hiking shoes. 

Turning onto the Hancock Hill Path, I was delighted to see that it was bone dry (compared to the literal pond I had to get through last time! There were a few bugs out, but only midly annoying. I wiggled my way around the Circle Trail, and then worked my way towards the Base Path and ultimately Chestnut Run Path (disappointed to see that the mysterious blue chair on the Circle Trail was gone!). I reminded myself that I don't need another photo of the chimney along the Chestnut Run, and admired the swaying trees above in the wind. This hike wasn't very eventful, but just a good ramble in the woods. 

I noticed that time was moving slower in my brain than usual - maybe just becuase April break is coming up and I'm beat, but I continued on. I hit all the trails around the east side of Hancock, and determined the Hancock Trail is calf steep, not thigh steep, and that those are two distinctly different genres of steep.

I got lucky crossing Unquity Road, and made my way into the almost sepia-toned forest of the Bermuda Triangle between Unquity Rd., Chickatawbut Rd., and Hillside St. After getting those trails, I crossed Hillside St. and joined the Tucker Hill Path over to the Skyline Trail, which I took back to my car. A mentally slow, calm afternoon in the Blue Hills. I'm glad vacation is coming up soon, I need a break in many different kind of ways. 

- Park at Reservation HQ.
- Start hike along Wolcott Path. 
- At 1160, turn right onto Hancock Hill Path.
- At 1172, turn left onto Skyline Trail.
- At next junction, hike Circle Trail circle, and continue along Circle Trail.
- At 1185, turn left onto Base Path.
- At 1183, turn right onto Base Path Connector.
- At 1191, turn left onto Chestnut Run Path.
- At 1175, turn right onto Border Path.
- At 1214, turn around.
- At 1165, turn left onto Base Path Connector. 
- At 1183, turn right onto Base Path.
- At 1182, turn right onto Jeffries Trail.
- At 1154 (triangle), turn sharply left onto Hemenway Hill Path.
- At 1178, turn left onto Breakneck Ledge Path.
- At 1190, turn left onto Circle Trail.
- At 1185, turn right onto Base Path (hit spur to 1204).
- At 1203, hike to road and back.
- Back at 1203, turn left onto Chestnut Run Path.
- At terminus, turn left onto Unquity Road.
- At trailhead, turn left onto Hancock Trail.
- At 1201, turn right onto Hancock Hill Path.
- At 1204 (triangle), turn right onto Breakneck Ledge Path.
- At next junction, turn right onto Pipsissewa Path.
- At terminus, carefully cross Unquity Road and follow right.
- Enter woods on left onto Unquity Path.
- At terminus, turn left onto Hillside St. 
- Turn left into woods, hike trail, turn around and retract steps.
- Cross Hillside St., enter woods, cross Headquarters Path.
- Continue onto Tucker Hill Path.
- After 2072, turn right onto Skyline Trail. 
- Complete hike!

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