Ponkapoag Pond Loop via Exit 3 (Blue Hills Reservation)
Hike Type: Lollipop Loop
Distance: 4.22 miles
Elevation: 230 feet
Time: 1 hour, 28 minutes
Hiking Challenges: 52 Hike Challenge; Blue Hills Winter Trace (2x)
Hiking Challenges: 52 Hike Challenge; Blue Hills Winter Trace (2x)
The Hike
Another easy drive after work to the Blue Hills! The plan today was the simplest form of the Ponkapoag Loop, following the green balzes the whole way! I was hiking at 3:30pm. It was a windy 40 degree day with some clouds but more sun. The trail initially was icy, slushy, muddy, wet, and dry, which made for some interesting hiking. At the height-of-land, a limb came off a tree ~50 feet into the woods from the wind - spooky!
There were some impressive (and difficult to navigate) patches of ice by the YMCA camp, the boardwalk was still closed (no surprise), and I even hiked past some guys golfing? Not sure if the course is even open, since its half covered with snow, but I applaud their dedication!
There were lots of thorny bushes paralleling the golf course and the dam, with it wonderful views to the pond and Great Blue Hill, was a mixture of hard-pack snow and sheets of ice. There was a brief moment of relief once back in the woods, but almost the entire southern stretch of the trail was a sheet of ice. I managed to stay off to the side and only slipped a few times.
I noticed some trees, rocks, and wooden posts had orange spray paint along this stretch - maybe some drainage work? Not sure. I skipped Fisherman's Beach because of, you guessed it, ice! The conditions somehow got even worse once the AMC driveway joined the trail, but thankfully relief was momentarily felt once near the AMC Camps. Just kidding! More ice. I'm heavily considering investing in some CHEAP cheap spikes for days like today. I had my Hillsounds in my pack, but it wouldn't had been worth it to chew up those good spikes on this terrain.
Thankfully, I finally felt ACTUAL relief once past the AMC camps. There was a stunning golden hour for the rest of the return trip, although it got WINDY. My hands were surprisingly cold - probably because I wasn't hiking much elevation so my heart rate was lower. I caught up to my first human right where the loop ended, and soon enough I was back at the car!
- Park at Exit 3 parking.
- Follow green blazes counter-clockwise around Ponkapoag Pond.
- Return to car.
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