Monday, February 12, 2024

Buck Hill via Ayer, Bugbee, Fells, Doe Hollow, and Forest Paths (Blue Hills Reservation)

Buck Hill via Ayer, Bugbee, Fells, Doe Hollow, and Forest Paths (Blue Hills Reservation)

Distance: 4.25 miles
Elevation: 715 feet
Time: 1 hour, 34 minutes 
Hike Type: Figure-8 Lollipop
Hiking Challenges: Blue Hills Winter Trace

The Hike
A quick and easy after-school hike with almost identical stats (and hills) to my last! My hike started at 3:45pm, temps were in the mid-40s, and there was a snowstorm looming [UPDATE: The storm mostly missed us]. The goal was to hit the Ayer, Bugbee, Fells, Doe Hollow, and Forest Paths, to mostly complete the Houghton's Pond section (I will need to go back for the loopty-loops of the Houghton's Pond Visitor Center area). 

I was SLEEPY as I was taking a break from caffeine (regrets), but I powered through my gentle meander of the Blue Hills. There were many, many airplanes overhead, and some blowdowns around 2140. When I finished the trails I needed I could either a) follow Skyline Trail back, b) follow red loop back, c) follow Headquarters Path back, or d) make something up. Option A definitely required the most effort, but I decided I might as well see that lovely view again.

Partway up Buck Hill I got a text that the snow totals were lowered, and no more than five minutes later I got a follow up text that we had a snowday! That definitely gave me the push I needed to make it to the top (I also realize I've never climbed Buck from the MA-28 side, only ever descended)!

The sky was almost turquioise over Boston and the Ocean as the sun set behind the clouds - it was definitely a good choice to come up. Mt. Wachusett and Monadnock were in the distance saying hello, and I was so happy. I would have stayed longer, but I was a bit far from my car.

I zoomed on the Skyline the whole way home, minus the climb up Tucker Hill, which slowed me down. Soon enough I was on the final descent, traversing the muddy section on the way to Bugbee, and back at the car for a Costco run and a SNOWDAY!

- Park across street from State Police on Hillside St.
- Turn left onto Headquarters Path (along Hillside St.).
- At jct., turn left onto Bugbee Path.
- At 2054, turn left onto Skyline Trail.
- At next jct., turn left onto Tucker Hill Path.
- At next jct., turn sharply right onto Ayer Trail.
- At 2094, veer right onto Dark Hollow Path.
- At 2096, turn left onto Bugbee Path.
- At next jct., turn left onto Winthrop Path.
- At terminus, turn around.
- At terminus, turn left onto Bugbee Path.
- At 2140, turn left onto Fells Path.
- At 2152, turn left onto Massachuseuck Trail.
- At next jct., turn right onto Doe Hollow Path.
- At 2153, continue straight/right onto Headquarters Path.
- At 2175, turn right onto Forest Path.
- Veer right towards 2210.
- At 2210, turn right onto Skyline Trail.
- Follow Skyline Trail back to car.

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